In the words of a very excited Charlie "Yippee"!! The team paddled into checkpoint 10 this evening, marking the second last checkpoint and the completion of 227 miles, with only 33 more miles to go and only one more checkpoint with the dreaded time deadlines before the home stretch! The paddling fraternity had heard whispers that one of our boys had dropped out, so Charlie and Sophie were really excited to see the intrepid trio paddling in earnest into the checkpoint wondering what the fuss was about.
The guys managed to have a bit of a sleep and can taste the home stretch, making it easier to focus on their goal. Both the local supporters, fellow competitors and media LOVE the fact the team are English and came from the
UAE and that we've come so far. The amount of support is just astounding! Charlie did another television interview for News 8 (coverage to follow) so that inquisitive viewers could be kept up to date on how well the camels are going. She's a little concerned how articulate she was after 1 hours sleep in 38 hours but
I'm sure the viewers will love it!
The next and final checkpoint is at 244 miles, Saltwater Barrier and the girls drove to the next checkpoint to have a sleep but the appearance of a huge snake and loads of
mozzies resulted in a small change of plan and the girls have been invited to the home of a local support crew where they are hoping to catch up on a few hours sleep, before seeing the guys at a viewing spot in between the checkpoints.
Although the team are so close, the next stretch has a number of challenges including the largest log jam the race has seen - a mile long jam which means the Camels will have to carry the boat around the river for a mile straight, plus the numerous other jams competitors have warned the team about. The next section also features the aptly named "Alligator Lake".
After the boys reach the next checkpoint however they have all the
important bay crossing, which represents the final run home. This year the bay crossing has taken anywhere from 3-13 hours to complete, as heavy winds make this a huge challenge, so fingers crossed for light winds to allow the team to finish.
Taken from the words of a support message sent to the team "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream....merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily life is but a dream (or it will be when it's over)". And another tip from the same support message that the boys should be remembering on this leg "See you later Alligator"!
Come on Camels!