Thursday, June 11, 2009

Preparing the canoe

No training today - spent most of the day getting the canoe ready for the race and buying last minute bits of kit. Dowker and JM found the holy grail of outdoor shops in Austin and nearly walked away with a selection of automatic rifles and other hunting paraphernalia, but resisted the temptation.

Tried out a military ration pack - quite possible the worst piece of chicken we have ever tasted! Having second thoughts about bringing one as "comfort food" for the race.

Tornado and flash flood alerts in in the area this evening - just another challenge for the Abu Dhabi Camels...

1 comment:

  1. Hi James and gang
    Big apologies for not being intouch for a while I've been really busy with work abroad and not had a chance to catch uyp on anything, no
    excuses.....I KNOW.
    Anyway it looks to me like you guys have got it sorted eh! Just reading thru the blog and you've done a fantastic job on your prep and
    thae fact the water is low has not fazed you one bit....nice one.
    The boat looks great and judging by your tales it's performing as
    Remember the back paddle and draw's and pry's if/when approaching an obsticle or hazard! The boat will take the odd dink I'm sure but
    theres always that sharp bugger....
    I've gotta go now but have a great paddle guys and I reckon your gonna be up front at the end, you deserve to be there guys, all the best
    and have a few cold ones tonight eh!
    Good luck you mad dogs/camels.
